It’s time to take action!
The SFM and its community partners want the priorities of Manitoba’s Francophone community to be clearly expressed and taken into account in the next election. Now is the time to show just how strong and mobilized the French-speaking community is.
Here’s how we intend to do it, with your help. Together, let’s show that French is our future!
Election Priorities 2023
We know that all Manitobans face many important issues in this election. After consulting with community organizations, we have identified the following six priorities that have a more specific impact on the Francophone community:
- Education
- Health care
- Immigration
- Arts, culture, sports and tourism
- Francophone Affairs
- Municipal services
To find out more, visit our Electoral Priorities page or download the full PDF version of the document.
Awareness campaign aimed at candidates
The SFM and its community partners undertook an awareness campaign to present the main priorities of the Francophone community and to gain the support of candidates for these priorities. In the spring, we met with representatives of Manitoba’s three main political parties to begin a dialogue on these issues.
A document outlining our priorities and recommendations was then sent to each political party, along with a questionnaire designed to gather their views on these issues. We are publishing their responses as we receive them.
Party responses to our questionnaire :
You will find below the answers to our questionnaire that we have received so far:
- New Democratic Party – questionnaire responses
- Liberal Party (please note that the Liberal Party has included some of the questionnaire responses in its platform)
We encourage you to consult the ads and platforms of all the parties. Click on the logos below to visit each party’s website.
How you can get involved
There are many ways to get involved and ensure that community priorities are taken into account during the elections and beyond. That’s why it’s important to communicate with candidates about your election priorities, including those that relate to the Francophone community.
Lawn Signs
Show your support for the Francophone community with a lawn sign bearing the slogan « A vote for French, a better future together »and « Vote en français, c’est notre avenir! » on the other side.
You can obtain your free lawn sign by visiting the SFM office (147, boulevard Provencher, unit 106) Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, by calling 233-ALLÔ (2556) or by reserving your lawn sign through our online store.
Please note that stocks are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are unable to collect your lawn sign from our office, please contact us to make alternative arrangements.
Click on the links below if you’d like to download a PDF or JPEG version of the lawn sign to print at home or share online:
Questions to Ask Your Candidates
To make an informed choice at election time, it’s important for voters to ask questions of their candidate and campaign team, whether at the door, over the phone or at public meetings.
Here’s a sampling of Francophonie-related questions you can ask candidates and campaign door knockers to help you make your decision:
- What will you or your party do to ensure that all parents can choose to send their children to a Francophone or immersion school?
- What will you or your party do to invest in the training and recruitment of teachers and educators to meet the labour shortage in these sectors?
- What will you or your party do to adopt concrete measures to improve access to French-language health services?
- What will you or your party do to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants to our province and facilitate their integration into our communities?
- What will you or your party do to support French-language arts, culture, sports and tourism in the province?
- What will you or your party do to help municipalities offer services in French?
Send a Letter to Your Candidates
Send us an e-mail at sfm@sfm.mb.ca to tell us about your priorities for the upcoming election and how you’re getting involved. Enter before September 13 for your chance to win a $50 Visa gift card.
Stay tuned to our social media accounts for more contests in the weeks to come!
On October 3, 2023, make an informed choice and VOTE!